MI customer care number Tiruppur, MI service center Tiruppur, products serviced, address, phone & other details are provided in this post.
There is 1 MI service centers in Tiruppur where it offers after sales service for MI Phones, Redmi phones, Headphones, Power banks, smart bands, MI TV, laptops, water purifiers, air purifiers, router, and other home appliances.
MI Service Centers Tiruppur
- MI Service Center
Smart Care,D.No 66,
G.G.Towers,Kumaran Road,
Tirupur, Tamil Nadu-641601
Phone : 9159939393
MI / Xiaomi Customer Care Number 1800 103 6286 Share on X
MI Tiruppur Service Centers on Map
MI Customer Care Tiruppur
MI Customer Care Number: 1800 103 6286
MI Chat Service : Click Here
MI Customer Care Email: [email protected]
Pro Tip: Calling customer care number of a company; in this case MI customer care is all you need to do, if you want to complaint about a product and want it repaired by the MI service center. Many times, there is no service center near by, but the companies would still be able to send someone to visit your house/office and service/repair the appliance/product on site. |
If you are facing a problem with your MI, Redmi, or Xiaomi product and want to contact the company for any service related complaint, then you can call the all India MI customer care number 1800 103 6286 or chat online with support team here or refer to the information provided above and contact the nearest MI service center in Tiruppur.
Other Xiaomi / MI Service Centers in Tamil Nadu
Escalate Your Service Request
In case that you don’t get appropriate and timely resolution, you can escalate your complaint to Nodal officer or Grievance officer by writing and posting a mail to their head office or by emailing to them at the given email addresses.
Grievance Officer: [email protected]
Nodal Officer: [email protected]
MI / Xiaomi Social Media Presence
- Facebook Fan Page : facebook.com/XiaomiIndia
- Twitter Handle : twitter.com/XiaomiIndia
- Instagram: instagram.com/xiaomiindia
These social media accounts can be very useful to you as a customer. If you don’t get a resolution to your problem through customer support team of MI, then you can publish your problem on their social media accounts publicly.
Large companies usually give more importance to the issues raised on social media. Just make sure, you make a deserving case for your self or trolls can get after you as well. Also, do call their customer support first and visit the MI service center Tiruppur before you reach grievance officer of MI or post any message on social media.
Find all MI Support Centres in India hereMI Nodal/Grievance Officer
If you are still not satisfied with solution and your service request still remains unresolved, you may directly contact the Grievance officer or nodal officer at the addresses given below.[/su_highlight]
Grievance Officer Details
Name: Vishwanath C
Email ID: [email protected]
Contact no.: 080 6885 6286, Mon-Sat : 9 AM to 6 PM
Address: Xiaomi Technology India Pvt Ltd, Ground Floor, AKR Infinity, Kudlu Gate, Krishna Reddy Industrial Area, Hosapalaya, Muneshwara Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560068, India
Nodal Officer Details
Name: Debapratim Ray
Designation: Legal Manager
E-Mail ID: [email protected]
Address: Xiaomi Technology India Private Limited Building Orchid. Block E, Embassy Tech Village Marathahalli Outer Ring Road, Devarabisanahalli, Bengaluru 560103.
About MI
Xiaomi is the parent company for brands like MI, and Redmi. The company focuses on India, the world’s second-largest smartphone market and has its manufacturing units in India. Its products range from mobile phones, televisions, headphones, fitness bands, to home appliances.
MI Head Office Address
Xiaomi Technology India Private Limited,
Building Orchid. Block E, Embassy Tech Village Marathahalli
Outer Ring Road, Devarabisanahalli, Bengaluru 560103.
What is FirstBestService’s Relation to MI ?
1stbestservice.com is not related to Xiaomi or its brands like MI, Redmi, and others at all. We only provide customer care numbers, nodal officer, service center and social media account details of companies like MI that can help customers contact right person in support team or find MI Service Center Tiruppur to get their problems resolved.
We also guide customers to select the options on IVR to reach/speak to a human quickly. When facing problems, we guide customers on how to reach the right person in support team using the tools available on this website.