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Blue Dart Near Me in Allahabad | Blue Dart Allahabad Contact Number

    Blue Dart near me in Allahabad, Blue Dart Allahabad address, Blue Dart courier contact number & other details are provided in this post.

    There is 1 store of Blue Dart Courier in Allahabad. Whether you need to send a document or a heavy parcel, Blue Dart has a solution for your every shipping requirement. Just reach on this Blue Dart store in Allahabad and avail the services of Blue Dart with ease.

    Blue Dart Near Me in Allahabad, UP

    Area Address
    3/3 Colvin Road Blue Dart Express Ltd.
    Siddhi Vinayak Building, 3/3 Colvin Road, Kanpur Road Crossing, Allahabad-  211001
    Blue Dart Customer Care Number Allahabad - 1860 233 1234 Share on X


    Blue Dart Allahabad – Stores and Outlets on Map

    Blue Dart Customer Care Allahabad

    If you need to contact the Blue Dart support for any reason, then you should contact them by phone or email at the contact details given below.

    Blue Dart Customer Care Number: 1860 233 1234  022 6260 1234/ 044 6634 4600
    Blue Dart Customer Care Email: [email protected]

    Other Blue Dart Courier Stores in Uttar Pradesh

    Escalate Your Service Request

    The reason why most customers call Blue Dart Courier customer service is because they have Complaints on undelivered shipment, missing Blue Dart courier, delayed or wrong delivery of commercial documents, samples, panels and printed material and other similar issues.

    For redressal of such complaints, you should first write to [email protected] or call the regional customer care number as provided above. If you do not get a resolution, then you can visit any of the regional office as provided above.

    If you are still not able to resolve the issue and you think that you are making a genuine demand, then you should raise a complaint with National Consumer Helpline, who will study your case and then advise you on what you should do next. Sometimes they advise you on how to take up the case in consumer court.

    Blue Dart Social Media Presence

    These social media accounts can be very useful to you as a customer. If you don’t get a resolution to your problem through customer support team of Blue Dart , then you can publish your problem on their social media accounts publicly.

    Good companies usually give more importance to the issues raised on social media. Just make sure, you make a deserving case for your self. Also, do call their customer support first and visit the Blue Dart Courier Allahabad office before you reach grievance officer of Blue Dart or post any message on their social media account.

      Read the parent article here for All India Blue Dart Customer Care Number Details and All India Network of Blue Dart Stores  

    About Blue Dart

    Blue Dart Express Limited is an Indian Logistics Courier Company. The company was founded by Tushar Jani (chairman), Khushroo Dubash and Clyde Cooper in 1983. It is a part of  DHL Express (Singapore) Pte Ltd. It is the premier courier, and integrated express package Distribution Company of South Asia. It serves about 220 countries of the world. It offers secure and reliable delivery of consignments to over 35,000 locations in India. Blue Dart offers an entire spectrum of distribution services in India With over 69 warehouses located at major metro cities of India like Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Hyderabad.

    Blue Dart Regional Office Uttar Pradesh

    Blue Dart Express Ltd.
    4Th Floor, Elegance Tower,
    Non Hierarchical Commercial Centre,
    Plot No.8, Jasola District Centre- 110076

    Are FirstBestService and Blue Dart Related to Each Other? is not related to Blue Dart at all. We only provide customer care numbers,  office adress and social media account details of companies like Blue Dart that can help customers contact right person in support team or find Blue Dart store in Allahabad  to get their problems resolved.

    We also guide customers to select the options on IVR to reach/speak to a human quickly. When facing problems, we guide customers on how to reach the right person in support team using the tools available on this website.

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