What is the contact number of Livguard for registering complaints and how to find nearest service center of Livguard? How to escalate your complaint to Livguard nodal officer if your grievance is not resolved? Find out here.
You can use this information to send complaints to Livguard support and get your issues resolved. Major products sold by Livguard include Inverters, Batteries, Solar Products, E-Rickshaw Charger, Automotive Battery, and more.
Livguard Customer Service
Customer Care Number | 1800 1025 551 |
Call Center Hours | 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, (Mon-Friday) |
Customer Service Email | [email protected] |
Official Website | www.livguard.com |
WhatsApp Support | Click Here |
Contacting the Livguard support is the first thing you should do, whenever you need a service or have a question or complaint. You can do this using the information given above. You may also visit the Livguard service center directly and discuss the problem with them. You can find a list of Livguard service centers near you by clicking over the city in the table below:
Livguard Service Centers in India
About Livguard
Livguard Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian company that specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of energy storage solutions, including batteries for automotive and inverters. Major products sold by Livguard include Inverters, Batteries, Solar Products, E-Rickshaw Charger, Automotive Battery, and more.
Livguard Social Media Customer Care
Providing customer support through twitter handle or on Facebook page is a latest trend and customers are loving it as the resolutions are usually faster when you post your complaint publicly on Livguard’s Facebook page or on the twitter. In fact, FirstBestService, also makes use of these social media accounts when helping customers get resolution to their problems/complaints. So, go ahead and share your grievance on social media account of Livguard customer service.
- Twitter Handle: @LivguardEnergy
- Facebook Fan Page: @LivguardEnergy
Livguard Grievance Redress Procedure
If you have a grievance that does not get resolved by Livguard customer support or the Livguard service center, then you can escalate your complaint to the Livguard Nodal Officer by writing to him at
Livguard Energy Technologies Private Limited
Plot No. 221, Phase-I, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon 122016 Haryana, India
Phone: +91-124-4987 400
If a satisfactory resolution is not provided by the Grievance officer of Livguard, then you may consider reporting the case to INGRAM (Integrated Grievance Redressal Mechanism).