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LG Repair Service Center in Chula Vista, CA

    List of LG repair service centers in Chula Vista, CA along with customer support information for LG USA.

    LG USA Toll Free Number: 800-243-0000 (Home Appliances)
    800-793-8896 (Mobile)
    (Mon. to Sun. 8AM – 9PM EST)
    Online Chat Support: Online Chat
    Request A Repair: Request Here
    Social Support – Twitter: @lgussupport
    Social Support – Facebook: /LGUSSupport
    Official Website:

    LG Repair Service Center in Chula Vista, CA

    Smart Appliance Repair
    2175 Condor Drive Unit 55, CHULA VISTA, CA, 91915
    Phone: 800-243-0000
    Repairable Products: Air Conditioners, Cooking Appliances, Dishwashers, Dryers, Laundry Accessories, Refrigerators, Washer Dryer Combos, Washers

    Bear General Repair
    426 Naples Street, CHULA VISTA, CA, 91911
    Phone: 800-243-0000
    Repairable Products: Cooking Appliances, Dishwashers, Dryers, Laundry Accessories, Refrigerators, Styler Steam Clothing Care System, Vacuum Cleaners, Washer Dryer Combos, Washers

    Find full list of LG service centers in USA here.

    Third Party Appliance Repair Service Centers in Chula Vista, CA

    When the appliance is under warranty, then its a must to visit an authorized service/repair center to get benefit of warranty. However, if the product is out of warranty, then its not necessary and you have a choice to get the appliance repaired at a local service center. In most of the cases these third party repair centers offer services at a much discounted rate.

    So, if you would like to get your product repaired at a third party repair center, then here is a list of service providers in Chula Vista, CA

    American Service Alliance
    2566 Catamaran Way, Chula Vista, CA 91914, United States
    Phone: +16196588803
    Products Repaired: Kitchen and Laundry Appliances of all major brands.

    Bonita Appliance Repair
    5080 Bonita Rd Bonita, California 91902
    Phone: +16193295938
    Products Repaired: Kitchen and Laundry Appliances of all major brands.

    Reliable Appliance, Heating and Air
    Bonita, California
    Phone: +16195007410
    Products Repaired: Heating, Airconditioning, and other home appliances

    Viking Appliance Repair
    63 E Donahoe St, Chula Vista, CA 91911, United States
    Phone: +16196379090
    Products Repaired: Kitchen and Laundry Appliances of all major brands.

    Fast Wolf Appliance Repair
    1250 Santa Cora Ave #735, Chula Vista, CA 91913, United States
    Phone: +16197229499
    Products Repaired: Kitchen and Laundry Appliances of all major brands.

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