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Carrier AC Service Center Near Me in Arsikere Midea AC Repair

    Midea AC and Carrier AC service center near me in Arsikere, phone number, address, email address, social media contacts, & other details are provided in this post.

    There is 1 Midea and Carrier AC service center in Arsikere where it offers after sales service for its range of domestic and commercial air conditioners under brand names Midea and Carrier. To avail repair services, you can visit the service center listed below, or call the Carrier AC support at 1800 103 3333 or Midea AC support at 1800 419 3333 to register a complaint first.

    Should You Repair Your AC?

    When the repair cost is too much, then it makes sense to think over, if you should really get your AC repaired or buy a new one?

    If your AC is older than 15 years, or if the repair cost is over ₹10,000 (including gas recharge), or if the AC is given problems repeatedly, then it is advisable to buy a new AC. If you are considering purchasing a new one, then look at these bestselling air conditioner models.


    Midea AC & Carrier AC Service Center Arsikere, Karnataka

    Carrier Midea AC Repair Center
    Arsikere, Karnataka
    Timings: Monday to Saturday, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
    Phone No. : 1800 103 3333 (Carrier), 1800 419 3333 (Midea)

    If you are facing a problem with your Carrier AC or Midea AC and want to contact the company for any service-related complaint, then you can call the Carrier AC customer care number 1800 103 3333 or Midea customer care number 1800 419 3333 or refer to the information provided above and contact the nearest Carrier AC service center Arsikere.

    Carrier AC Customer Care Number 1800 103 3333 Share on X

    Carrier Midea AC Social Media Presence

    These social media accounts can be very useful to you as a customer. If you don’t get a resolution to your problem through customer support team of Carrier Midea AC, then you can publish your problem on their social media accounts publicly.

    Large companies usually give more importance to the issues raised on social media. Just make sure, you make a deserving case for yourself, or trolls can get after you as well. Also, do call their customer support first and visit the Carrier Midea AC service center Arsikere before you reach grievance officer of Carrier AC or post any message on social media.

    If you still don’t get a resolution to your problem in a reasonable amount of time, then you can write to the Carrier/Midea grievance officer at the nearest branch office in your state or region.

    Carrier Midea AC Branch Office Near Arsikere, Karnataka

    Carrier Midea India Private Limited
    SLV Complex, 3rd Floor, Office No.15, 6th Block, 19th Main Road, Koramangala Layout, Bangalore – 560095.
    Tel: 080-25520566

    Checkout All Carrier AC Service Centers Near Me in India

    About Carrier Midea AC

    Carrier Midea India is a joint venture between Carrier and Midea. The company manufactures its air conditioners in Maharashtra. Currently, it sells air-conditioners in India under brand names, Carrier and Midea. In future, it is expected that they may sell other Midea brand home appliances.

    What is 1stBestService’s Relation to Carrier AC? is not related to Carrier Midea AC at all. We only provide customer care numbers, nodal officer, service center and social media account details of companies like Carrier AC that can help customers contact right person in support team or find Carrier AC Service Center Arsikere to get their problems resolved.

    We also guide customers to select the options on IVR to reach/speak to a human quickly. When facing problems, we guide customers on how to reach the right person in support team using the tools available on this website.

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