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VRL Logistics Near Me in Ratangarh | VRL Logistics Ratangarh Contact Number

    VRL Logistics near me in Ratangarh, VRL Logistics Ratangarh address, VRL Logistics courier contact number & other details are provided in this post.

    There is 1 outlet of VRL Logistics Courier in Ratangarh, Rajasthan. We have listed the best of them below.  Major services provided by VRL Logistics include goods transportation services, full truckload services, courier services, and liquid transportation services.

    VRL Logistics Near Me in Ratangarh, Rajasthan

    VRL Logistics Ratangarh Contact Number

    VRL Logistics Courier Contact Number 1800 599 7800
    VRL Logistics Support App: Android, (Not Available on iOS)
    VRL Logistics Courier Email: [email protected]

    Find list of VRL Logistics Courier Outlets in Ratangarh here. Share on X

    If you are facing a problem with your VRL Logistics Shipment and want to contact the company for any service-related complaint, then you can call the VRL Logistics customer care number  1800 599 7800 or refer to the information provided above and contact the nearest VRL Logistics branch in Ratangarh.

    VRL Logistics Grievance Officer Contact Details

    For redressal of complaints, you should first call the customer care / contact number of VRL Logistics as given above. If you do not get a resolution, then you can visit the nearest regional office or write a letter to the Grievance Officer and send it to the head office of VRL Logistics.

    VRL Logistics Head Office in India

    VRL Logistics Ltd.
    Giriraj Annexe, Circuit House Road
    Hubballi, Karnataka 580029, India
    e-Mail : [email protected]

    VRL Logistics Social Media Presence

    These social media accounts can be very useful to you as a customer. If you don’t get a resolution to your problem through customer support team of VRL Logistics, then you can publish your problem on their social media accounts publicly.

    Large companies usually give more importance to the issues raised on social media. Just make sure, you make a deserving case for yourself, or trolls can get after you as well.

    Remember to call VRL Logistics customer support first and visit the nearest VRL Logistics outlet in Ratangarh before you reach grievance officer of VRL Logistics Courier or post any message on the social media.

    If a satisfactory resolution is not provided by the VRL Logistics nodal officer, then you may consider reporting the case to INGRAM (Integrated Grievance Redressal Mechanism).

    Want to find VRL Logistics outlets in other cities? Go to this page: VRL Logistics Customer Service.

    About VRL Logistics

    VRL Logistics is an Indian logistics company which caters mainly to business to business segment of customers. VRL mainly offers goods transportation services for consignment size ranging from 1 kg to 40 tons. This service is available by across 22 States and 4 Union Territories covering all major cities and towns in India. Other than that, VRL Logistics also offers courier services within the State of Karnataka for shipping documents and small packages. VRL also has capabilities for the transportation of vehicles, liquids and chemicals.

    For more, go to the official website of VRL Logistics

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