Pureit customer care number Jammu, Pureit service center Jammu , products serviced, address, phone & other details are provided in this post.
The address of Pureit service centers in Jammu is not known as the company has not published it on their website. However, it does not mean that Pureit has no service centers. Just call the customer care of Pureit and register your complaint/service request. The company will send someone to visit your house/office and service the appliance on site.
Pureit Customer Care Jammu
Pureit Customer Care Number: 1860 210 1000
Pureit Customer Care Email: [email protected]
Pureit Social Media Presence
- Facebook Fan Page : facebook.com/PureitIndia/
- Twitter Handle : twitter.com/hulpureit
- Instagram: instagram.com/pureitwater/
These social media accounts can be very useful to you as a customer. If you don’t get a resolution to your problem through customer support team of Pureit, then you can publish your problem on their social media accounts publicly.
Large companies usually give more importance to the issues raised on social media. Just make sure, you make a deserving case for your self or trolls can get after you as well. Also, do call their customer support first and visit the Pureit service center Jammu before you reach grievance officer of Pureit or post any message on social media.
Find all Pureit Customer Support Centers in India here
Escalate Your Service Request
In case that you don’t get appropriate and timely resolution, you can escalate your complaint to Head of Customer Care by emailing your complaint to [email protected]
Nodal/Grievance Officer Pureit
If you are still not satisfied with solution and your service request still remains unresolved, you may directly contact the nodal officer here:
Mr. Srinivasan M,
Service Head – India
[email protected]
When contacting the escalation officer, don’t forget to mention your contact number and complaint number in your email.
Pureit Customer Care Number 1860 210 1000 Share on X
Other Pureit Service Centers in Himalayan Belt
About Pureit
Pureit is a water purifier brand of Hindustan Unilever. It provides a wide range of RO, UV and Non-electric water purifiers. Today it has become the World’s Largest Selling Water Purifier brand with its presence in over 9 countries. Some of Pureit’s products include Pureit Ultima RO+UV Water Purifier, Marvella RO+UV Water Purifier, Marvella RO Slim, Marvella UV + Cold, among others.
Pureit Head Office Address
Unilever House,
B D Sawant Marg, Chakala,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099
Phone: 022-39832285
How is FirstBestService Related to Pureit ?
1stbestservice.com is not related to Pureit or its affiliates at all. We only provide customer care numbers, nodal officer, service center and social media account details of companies like Pureit that can help customers contact right person in support team or find Pureit Service Center Jammu to get their problems resolved.
We also guide customers to select the options on IVR to reach/speak to a human quickly. When facing problems, we guide customers on how to reach the right person in support team using the tools available on this website.