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Jaquar Service Center Near Me in Namakkal, Jaquar Namakkal Contact Number

    Jaquar service center near me in Namakkal, phone number, email address, social media contacts, & Jaquar grievance officer contact details are provided in this post.

    There is 1 authorized Jaquar service centers in Namakkal.  If you are facing an issue with your Jaquar bath fitting then all you need to do is call Jaquar support at 1800-121-6808  or visit a Jaquar service center near by.

    Jaquar Service Center Near Me in Namakkal

    • Jaquar Repair Center
      Address: Namakkal, Tamil Nadu
      Online StoreClick Here
      Timings: Monday to Saturday, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
      Phone No.: 1800-121-6808

    Jaquar Customer Care Namakkal, Tamil Nadu

    Jaquar Customer Care Number: 1800-121-6808 (Bathroom), 1800-212-6808 (Lighting)
    Jaquar Support Timings: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, 6 days a week.
    Jaquar Customer Care Email: [email protected]

    Find list of Jaquar stores and service centers in Namakkal here. Share on X

    If you are facing a problem with your Jaquar product and want to contact the company for any service-related complaint, then you can call the Jaquar customer care number 1800-121-6808 or refer to the information provided above and contact the nearest Jaquar service center Namakkal.

    Jaquar Grievance Officer Contact Details

    For any unresolved grievance, you can escalate the matter to the grievance officer of Jaquar by writing an e-mail to the him at [email protected] or visiting nearest regional office or write a letter to the head office and send it to:

    Jaquar Group
    Plot No.3, Sector – 11,
    IMT Manesar, Gurgaon – 122050
    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +91 124 4746800

    Jaquar Social Media Presence

    These social media accounts can be very useful to you as a customer. If you don’t get a resolution to your problem through customer support team of Jaquar, then you can publish your problem on their social media accounts publicly.

    Large companies usually give more importance to the issues raised on social media. Just make sure, you make a deserving case for yourself, or trolls can get after you as well.

    Remember to call Jaquar customer support first and visit the Jaquar service center Namakkal before you reach grievance officer of Jaquar or post any message on social media.

    If a satisfactory resolution is not provided by the Jaquar nodal officer, then you may consider reporting the case to INGRAM (Integrated Grievance Redressal Mechanism).

    Want to find Jaquar service centers in other cities? Go to this page: Jaquar Customer Service.

    About Jaquar

    Jaquar is an undisputed market leader in the bath fittings category in India. Recently, it has diversified into lighting products as well. Major products sold by Jaquar in India include Faucets, Showers, Sanitaryware, Bath Tubs, Spas, Saunas, Shower Panels, Flushing Systems, Accessories, Diverters, Shower Valves, and Decorative Lighting.

    For more, go to the official website of Jaquar India.

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