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Havells Service Center Gulbarga Customer Care Number & Office

    Havells customer care number Gulbarga, Havells service center Gulbarga, products serviced, branch office address, phone & other details are provided in this post.

    Havells does not provide address and phone number of its service centers in Gulbarga . This does not necessarily mean that it does not have a service center at Gulbarga . It only means that company does not want you to contact the sevice center directly. It makes sense as service centers change their address and phone numbers frequently and its not possible to keep them updated at all times. So, its best to call the havells customer support and let them send a technician at your home.

    Havells Customer Care Gulbarga

    Havells Customer Care Number: 08045771313
    Havells WhatsApp Number : 9711773333
    Havells Online Service Request : Click Here
    Havells Customer Care Email
    : [email protected]
    Service Request Via SMS: Pincode <space> nature of complaint to 9212110303

    Havells Customer Care Number 08045 77 1313 Share on X


    Havells Branch Office in Gulbarga

    Havells has branches in several major cities across India. So, you can always approach them if you have an issue with their products or service.

    1. Havells India Limited
      THE ESTATE,5th Floor
      # 121, Dickeson Road
      Gulbarga, Karnataka – 560042
      Telephone: 080-49075000 080-25582663
      Fax: 0731-2551626
      Email[email protected]

    Havells Dealers in Gulbarga

    1. S B Distributors
      Behind Neelambika Kalyan Mantap, H No.1-892/72/8,
      District : Gulbarga
      City : Gulbarga-KA
      Postal Code : 585102
      Telephone: 919845106555, 9845106555

    Havells Social Media Presence

    These social media accounts can be very useful to you as a customer. If you don’t get a resolution to your problem through customer support team of Havells, then you can publish your problem on their social media accounts publicly.

    Large companies usually give more importance to the issues raised on social media. Just make sure, you make a deserving case for your self or trolls can get after you as well. Also, do call their customer support first and visit the Havells service center Gulbarga before you reach grievance officer of Havells or post any message on social media.

     Find all Havells Customer Service Centres in India here 


    Escalate Your Service Request

    In case that you don’t get appropriate and timely resolution, you can escalate your complaint to Head of Customer Care by writing and posting a mail to their head office or by contacting the Havells Nodal officer at the email given below.

    Nodal/Grievance Officer Havells

    For any unresolved requests/concerns, you can escalate the matter to the Grievance Officer of Havells India at [email protected].

    If a satisfactory resolution is not provided by the Grievance officer of Havells, then you may consider reporting the case to INGRAM (Integrated Grievance Redressal Mechanism).

    Other Havells Service Centers in Karnataka

    About Havells

    Havells manufactures and markets lighting, switches, electrical wires to home & kitchen appliances like fans, water purifiers, air coolers, toasters, oven, and water heaters. Havells not only manufactures good quality products but also offer an excellent after sales service through its network of branch offices, service centers and dealers.

    Havells Head Office Address

    Havells India Ltd. (Consumer Care Executive)
    QRG Towers, 2D, Sector-126, Expressway,
    Gulbarga – 201304. U.P. (India)

    What is FirstBestService’s Relation to Havells ? is not related to Havells or its affiliates at all. We only provide customer care numbers, nodal officer, service center and social media account details of companies like Havells that can help customers contact right person in support team or find Havells Service Center Gulbarga to get their problems resolved.

    We also guide customers to select the options on IVR to reach/speak to a human quickly. When facing problems, we guide customers on how to reach the right person in support team using the tools available on this website.

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